Dental Care for Children

At Fall River Family Dentistry, we welcome patients of all ages! In fact, the Canadian Dental Association recommends that all children have their first dental visit by one year of age.

Many caregivers are surprised to learn that basic dental care is covered under MSI for children from birth up to the end of month in which they turn 15.

Once a year, the program covers:

  • One dental exam

  • Two x-rays

  • One preventative service – for example, brushing and flossing instruction, and/or cleaning

Fillings, necessary extractions and nutritional counseling are also covered by the program.

Children can develop cavities very quickly, so it is important to have regular dental check ups and cleanings. Our team is happy to share helpful tips and give guidance to help keep your child's teeth healthy and clean.

More information can be found at

Root Canal Treatment (Endodontics)

Root canal treatment is a routine procedure used to relieve dental pain and eliminate infection from within the roots of a tooth. During root canal treatment, the pulp inside the root of a tooth is carefully removed, and the remaining space is then cleaned, disinfected and filled to seal the space.


Invisalign® is a popular treatment option to straighten and align teeth. Invisalign® uses a series of clear plastic aligners that have been custom made to move teeth. The aligners are worn for 22 hours a day and are changed every couple of weeks.  Both simple and complex cases can be treated with Invisalign®. The length of treatment, and number of aligners used, depends on the complexity of the treatment case.  

 Options for Anxious Patients

Sedation dentistry can be a wonderful treatment option for those people who avoid dentists due to fear and anxiety. Sedation can be used for everything from routine hygiene appointments to more complex procedures. At Fall River Family Dentistry, we offer two methods of sedation to help patients feel comfortable.

Inhalation sedation

Nitrous oxide -- otherwise known as "laughing gas" – is combined with oxygen and is inhaled through a small mask that is placed around the patient’s nose.  Nitrous oxide helps patients feel relaxed, and also aids in analgesia (or the elimination of pain). The effects of inhaling nitrous oxide are completely gone in less than 3 minutes after the gas is turned off. Patients are able to safely drive home after their appointments.

Oral sedation

Oral sedation is administered as a pill that is taken 60 minutes prior to an appointment. The medication must be taken while the patient is at the dental clinic. The level of sedation achieved ranges from mild to moderate, and can be changed based on the type of medication given and the dose. Oral sedation allows patients to feel relaxed and drowsy- many people fall asleep, but can be easily awakened. Patients who have taken an oral sedative must have a guardian walk with them out of the clinic and drive them home (they cannot take a taxi).

 If you are a new patient who is considering sedation dentistry, please make an appointment to come in to discuss what type of sedation will be appropriate for you!


Dental Hygiene

Our team of dental hygienists help prevent gum disease and tooth decay.

Gum disease (also know as periodontal disease) is one of the most common diseases that affect humans. The signs and symptoms of gum disease can include bleeding or swollen gums, bad breath and changes in the shape and appearance of gum tissues. If left untreated, this infectious disease can allow for bacteria to enter the blood stream, and increase the chance of heart disease, stroke, respiratory diseases and pregnancy complications.

The connection between gum disease, oral infections and other diseases in the body is well documented and highlights the importance of good oral hygiene and the important role dental hygienists play in preventing disease.

During a dental hygiene appointment, you can expect:

  • To have your current medical status reviewed with the hygienist – some medical conditions and medications may influence dental hygiene treatment

  • Have a head and neck examination to check for abnormalities. Your tongue, gums, teeth and all other areas of your mouth will also be examined.

  • Measurements made of your gum tissues

  • Take prescribed x-rays if required

  • Scale your teeth to remove plaque and calculus

  • Polish your teeth, if needed, to remove stains

Dental Implants

Dental implants are a permanent way to replace natural teeth. A restored implant is comfortable and looks like a natural tooth! Implants are either made of titanium or zirconia. The implant replicates a tooth root, and is placed into the jawbone where a tooth previously was. An artificial tooth is attached to the implant. The implant acts as an anchor to hold the replacement tooth in place.


Whether you are missing just one tooth, or all of them, dentures can be customized to meet your specific needs. At Fall River Family Dentistry, we are equipped to offer a variety of dentures styles, from acrylic to implant supported (“snap on”) dentures.

Crowns, Veneers and Bridges

Crowns are recommended for situations when a natural tooth is at a high risk of breaking. This may be the case if you have a large filling, a cracked tooth or have had a root canal. A crown is a hollow, artificial tooth used to cover natural tooth structure. A crown protects a tooth from further damage.

Crowns may also be used to change that appearance of a tooth. In some cases, patients only want the front layer of their tooth to change in appearance. In these situations, a veneer can be made.

Bridges are used as a permanent, fixed option to replace one or more missing teeth. A bridge is made up of an artificial tooth (customized to match your natural smile), and is anchored to two teeth that are adjacent to an empty space. A bridge is permanent and cannot be removed.

Other Services 

We offer many additional services, including:

  • Sports mouth guards

  • Biteplanes

  • Teeth whitening

  • Soft tissue recontouring

  • Lasering of cold sore and canker sores